05 May 2013

Almost Ready.

Me sailing with my sister.

What every body tells me about the trip we're going on  is so exiting but what I think is going to be so exiting is all the places we're going to see.

 My dad is talking to my grandfather and telling him how to axess an app on his ipad that can see where we're traveling.I'm also exited about making new friends. When ever we go to a new place I want to make some new friends.

I am also looking forward to learning new sports and games and also teaching other kids how to play soccer for instance.

My dad said that in one place these kids from a town that  we  are going to visite would get up early and play a soccer game each morning I thought that was pretty awesome even though I didn't really like the geting up early part of it. But I would like to try it any way.

Kids playing soccer in Cartagena

1 comment:

JillG said...

I'm so thrilled for all of you, and so glad to be a virtual onlooker as you travel!

-Jill Garland