29 November 2013

The New Normal

In the town of Santa Marta we have developed a new normal.  Every morning We have breakfast (Desayuno in spanish) and do school.  We can decide what and where we do school and it only lasts till  noon.  after school we play with the other kids on the dock, mainly Darien from Byamee and Ronia from Priscalina.  With Darien we do all kinds of things, from ripsticking in the park to make overs at her boat, but with Ronia we can't do much since she's only 7 months old.

In the evening we go into town and positively gorge ourselves on the crazy good street food they have available.  Then we wander around until we're too tired to walk another step, then we head for home.  It's a crazy schedule, but one that works for the whole family and is easy to complete.

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