23 May 2014


The night before my uncle David and his girlfriend left my mom and dad planned a dinner out at a restaurant for a good bye dinner.  Before we left I went over to Remi De to have drinks and stuff like that while we waited for Cleo an Remi to get back from the beach so we could go out.  But when it was time to go we didn't want to leave!

 Because it was late and we were tired, Remi invited us to a sleepover on her boat. We were soooo excited!  We danced on the bow and trampoline til we were so tired we practically fell over!  We watched a movie and then talked until we fell asleep in the middle of our sentences.  The bed was really comfortable and we slept deeply until the light through the  window lightened our sleep and I rolled off the bed and started talking.  Remi and Cleo thought that this was the funniest thing they had ever seen and couldn't stop laughing at me even when I woke up and wondered why they thought I was so hilarious.  

We had lots of fun and it as a shame when we had to leave, but we worked it out so that we came back for school to spend even more time on Remi De.

The people in my neighborhood.

Remi De is the boat I am going to interview. They are from Australia. They have one child, her name is Remi Neville. The mom's name is Toni Neville. The dads name is Bruce Neville. They also have a dog, its name is Marley Naughty Neville.
We met them in the San Blas a series of islands, before the panama canal. They have been relatively close to us ever since. Before us, they had sailed for 3 years but now they have sailed for 4 years. They have sailed to the Caribbean and up to Maine in the US.

Cleo Bennett: Did you guys go sailing before you had a kid?
Bruce Neville: Yes life was bliss back then. We had two boats before Remi was born. We had lots of dogs on those boats.

Cleo Bennett: Do you think you will go sailing when you are older?
Remi Neville: Yeah maybe.

CB: Do you work for a living on the boat or did you save up enough money to go sailing?
BN: We saved up our allowance. 
TN: No we didn't, we worked and saved.

CB: When do you plan to stop sailing?
TN: Soon, we need to make money.

CB: Do you know were you will stop sailing ?
TN: Somewhere in Australia maybe Queensland.

CB: Do you like sailing or do you wanna stop?
RN: Its day by day, sometimes mom could kill someone.
BN:  I could always keep sailing.
TN: These two gang up on me.

CB: What do you do on passages?
BN: Play poker. We get hats and pretend cigars and use clothes pins to bet, they call them pegs in Australia  We watch a lot of TV we like Fawlty towers. Remi and Bruce also do skits from Fawlty towers.

CB: Have you met a lot of kid boats?
BN: Yes, well not in the year before last.
TN: But now its like an influx.

CB: How do you do school?
RN: I have a lot of books that I do every day but i'v only done a couple of projects.

CB: How long do you do school each day?
RN: One hour or two hours.
TN: We try to aim for two hours.
RN: The least school I did in one day was twenty minutes of school.
TN: She arrives at school and says she'll do good school if I tickle her back.

CB: Do you have any brothers or sisters?
RN: No just Marley.
TN: Hey you and Cleo can be proxy sisters.

CB: How many boats have you had?  
BN: The first boat we bought in France and sold in the US. We spent a year and a half sailing up to Maine. Then I put a sign on the boat in Newport and two hours later a guy came by and asked to see the boat. Two hours later it was sold. The next boat was a little harder. We got an offer very early and should have accepted it, and a year later, we sold it for less. We have had four cats and never sailed on a mono hull. I’ve had 50 ski boats.

Stella, Jade, Remi, and I would always go tubing because Remi had two tubes and a power ding
he would drive around at full speed dragging two tubes. It was the best fun. After we met  some other boats it got a little crowded so we came up with a routine. Two people would go on each tube and the rest would go in the dingy, then we would switch.

 The most times we had a sleep over was 4 times in a row.                            


The night before my uncle David and his girlfriend left my mom and dad planned a dinner out at a restaurant for a good bye dinner.  Before we left I went over to Remi De to have drinks and stuff like that while we waited for Cleo an Remi to get back from the beach so we could go out.  But when it was time to go we didn't want to leave!

 Because it was late and we were tired, Remi invited us to a sleepover on her boat. We were soooo excited!  We danced on the bow and trampoline til we were so tired we practically fell over!  We watched a movie and then talked until we fell asleep in the middle of our sentences.  The bed was really comfortable and we slept deeply until the light through the  window lightened our sleep and I rolled off the bed and started talking.  Remi and Cleo thought that this was the funniest thing they had ever seen and couldn't stop laughing at me even when I woke up and wondered why they thought I was so hilarious.  

We had lots of fun and it as a shame when we had to leave, but we worked it out so that we came back for school to spend even more time on Remi De.  bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbed 

20 May 2014

Boat School

On friday our friends are coming. We plan to go on many tours and to animal sanctuaries but mainly just have fun.

We have been working extra hard on everything to get ahead so we don’t have to do school wile our friends are here.

 But that’s not the only kind of work we have to do theres also cleaning work we plan to do that on thursday but I think we’v been putting it of to long.

Today I’m staying home to get a lot of work done and my mom and dad are going out to a caffe to get breakfast and internet so they can work.

Yesterday I went with them to the caffe to get some internet stuff done.

I need t do my math and spelling and there easy’er to do lying on my bed than in a caffe.

I cannot wait till all the work is done and I can play with my friends.

09 May 2014

Polynesian Party

Last night we went out with our friends to a big party on the 
beach, well not exactly on the beach near the beach.
We were shown to a big building were there was a big U
shaped table with food and drink.

Kids were at one table and all the grown ups were at the others.
at first they just played music for us while we ate but
then they got on outfits and danced for suit was very good.
After the dace they called up all the men and boys to dance. She
showed them how to bend down and put your nease in 
and put your nease out while sidling along the line of men
and boys.

After the boys went the girls had to go. So I get up there with
my mom and sisters and she tells us to shake our 
butts so I’m like ooookkkkkaaay and were all standing around just 
shaking our butts then she tells us to sidle along the group of people 
so were walking back and forth trying to shake our butts 
at the same time to the drums, but not doing very well at it.

After the music and dancing was done all the kids ran out 
to play while the parents paid for the dinner all the kids started 

a game of tag and every one played.

Fatu Hiva

After 3 weeks at sea any island would've looked magnificen to us but Fatu Hiva was especially gorgeous.  We've been to the low lying San Blas islands with their palm trees and pearl white sands, the Galapagos, a volcanic wonderland, even Bonaire a desert island, but we've never been to the French Polynesian islands.  Lush hills rose steeply on all sides of the bay full of clear deep blue water, valleys full of waving ferns and gurgling mountain streams met us on our hikes.

We spent days taking hikes, swimming and playing with friends, in addition to Remi De; Moana Roa, Camanante and Field Trip soon arrived and we became fast friends with a new boat named Voahangy, already friends with Remi De.  

We spent a day tubing and playing in the water by a small bay with a beach of water-rounded stones Remi De discovered.  On the beach there is a small creek of ice cold fresh water that trickles through the stone to the sea, we propped a dead palm branch up to catch the water and make a spout for it. Soon we had a tap to wash our hands and clean shells we found, we also used coconut shells as cups and filled them at the tap then dumped them over ourselves for showers.  

We tried building shelters out of palm  fronds but that didn't work out so we played house on a large flat rock that we found, we wove palm fronds into beds for ourselves and delt out jobs around the "household" for everyone, for example, Cleo smashed and cut cocnuts for meals, Jade cleaned up after the ladies of the house [who were Remi from Remi De and Anne from Voahangy], Cara from Moana Roa was the bodygaurd and I tended the fire and collected the water for meals and showers.  We ate ceviche and crackers on the smooth stones for lunch and had coconut for dessert, I ate so much cocnut it's gonna last me a life time.

We tubed all the way back from the small bay and took a few turns around in it before getting dropped off so we could get ready for the welcoming feast we were all attending that night.  I showered and dressed then got in the dinghy with everybody else, we're now sailing with my uncle who joined us in the Galapagos.  At land we all gathered in a warehouse where the locals had set up a gigantic feast for us.  On the table were all different kinds of delicacies ranging from chicken and rice to pickled bananas.  As we ate musicians filed in and started playing a kind of loud musiisic in the native language.   After a while dancers came in and lined up, one woman announced them and they began dancing they did a lot of difficult looking moves, then the woman came up again and explained what the moves meant.  We stayed there late into the night, watching the performances and plaing tag when we got bored,finally we dragged ourselves away to head back home but we all agreed it was really fun.

07 May 2014

Barley the Marlin

One day when we were sailing across the pacific 
I heard that buzz-buzz-buzzthat means we caught a fish
my dad heard it also we both raced to the back of the boat were the line was.

My dad started reeling it in “its…a..big…one is all he managed.
Stella went down to wake up my uncle after a bit of moaning we got him up 
my dad gave him the gaff which is a long stick that has a hook on the end.
Ok your going to gaff it and i’ll hit it with the hammer he said to my uncle
wait just a minute said my mom and she hurried in side to get our fishing book
when she came out she started flipping threw the pages till
she found the right one ahhhh here it is she said.
“Never try to bring one of these on board. If you catch one I
recommend setting it free” I glanced at my dad and uncle they had 
fake innocent looks my mom went on “People have actually been
impaled by last minute attacks by the fish.” 

By now my dad and uncle were shrinking back with innocent looks
on there faces. so I guess were gonna set it free said my dad 
yes we are said my mom.
I got some scissor for my dad to cut the line with he took the scissor and was about 
to cut the line when he remembered something he called out 
guys quick name him so we did.

                   And from that day on he’s been now’n as Barley the Marlin


On the half-way-day to Marcasus we cooked crepes for breakfast.
We had nutella and butter with lime and sinomon.
It was good.

after we did the usual wash-up we read our books and listened 
to some audio tapes like Fantastic Mtrs Fox, Charley and the Chocolate Factory,
The Magic Finger.

We stayed like that for a good wile to about lunch. For lunch 
my uncle made sandwiches with melted cheese on them 
mmmmmh it was good. We did the same thing in the after noon that we did in the 

I really like it out here i would prefer to stay
evan thow its a bit boring.  I love sailing evan thew its a bit rough 
in two ways.

We planned to go to Fatu-Hiva first an then nuku-hiva. Because heard 
hiva-oa wasn’t very good . But I didn’t wan’t to go to any island

 but i did wanna see my friends and not see my sisters.