Remi De is the boat I am going to interview. They are from Australia. They have one child, her name is Remi Neville. The mom's name is Toni Neville. The dads name is Bruce Neville. They also have a dog, its name is Marley Naughty Neville.
We met them in the San Blas a series of islands, before the panama canal. They have been relatively close to us ever since. Before us, they had sailed for 3 years but now they have sailed for 4 years. They have sailed to the Caribbean and up to Maine in the US.
Cleo Bennett: Did you guys go sailing before you had a kid?
Bruce Neville: Yes life was bliss back then. We had two boats before Remi was born. We had lots of dogs on those boats.
Cleo Bennett: Do you think you will go sailing when you are older?
Remi Neville: Yeah maybe.
CB: Do you work for a living on the boat or did you save up enough money to go sailing?
BN: We saved up our allowance.
TN: No we didn't, we worked and saved.
CB: When do you plan to stop sailing?
TN: Soon, we need to make money.
CB: Do you know were you will stop sailing ?
TN: Somewhere in Australia maybe Queensland.
CB: Do you like sailing or do you wanna stop?
RN: Its day by day, sometimes mom could kill someone.
BN: I could always keep sailing.
TN: These two gang up on me.
CB: What do you do on passages?
BN: Play poker. We get hats and pretend cigars and use clothes pins to bet, they call them pegs in Australia We watch a lot of TV we like Fawlty towers. Remi and Bruce also do skits from Fawlty towers.
CB: Have you met a lot of kid boats?
BN: Yes, well not in the year before last.
TN: But now its like an influx.
CB: How do you do school?
RN: I have a lot of books that I do every day but i'v only done a couple of projects.
CB: How long do you do school each day?
RN: One hour or two hours.
TN: We try to aim for two hours.
RN: The least school I did in one day was twenty minutes of school.
TN: She arrives at school and says she'll do good school if I tickle her back.
CB: Do you have any brothers or sisters?
RN: No just Marley.
TN: Hey you and Cleo can be proxy sisters.
CB: How many boats have you had?
CB: Do you like sailing or do you wanna stop?
RN: Its day by day, sometimes mom could kill someone.
BN: I could always keep sailing.
TN: These two gang up on me.
CB: What do you do on passages?
BN: Play poker. We get hats and pretend cigars and use clothes pins to bet, they call them pegs in Australia We watch a lot of TV we like Fawlty towers. Remi and Bruce also do skits from Fawlty towers.
CB: Have you met a lot of kid boats?
BN: Yes, well not in the year before last.
TN: But now its like an influx.
CB: How do you do school?
RN: I have a lot of books that I do every day but i'v only done a couple of projects.
CB: How long do you do school each day?
RN: One hour or two hours.
TN: We try to aim for two hours.
RN: The least school I did in one day was twenty minutes of school.
TN: She arrives at school and says she'll do good school if I tickle her back.
CB: Do you have any brothers or sisters?
RN: No just Marley.
TN: Hey you and Cleo can be proxy sisters.
CB: How many boats have you had?
BN: The first boat we bought in France and sold in the US. We spent a year and a half sailing up to Maine. Then I put a sign on the boat in Newport and two hours later a guy came by and asked to see the boat. Two hours later it was sold. The next boat was a little harder. We got an offer very early and should have accepted it, and a year later, we sold it for less. We have had four cats and never sailed on a mono hull. I’ve had 50 ski boats.
Stella, Jade, Remi, and I would always go tubing because Remi had two tubes and a power dingy
Stella, Jade, Remi, and I would always go tubing because Remi had two tubes and a power dingy

The most times we had a sleep over was 4 times in a row.
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