27 June 2013


Finally we got away from Simpson bay!  Two days ago  I woke up and heard my dad calling every body up and awake.  I jumped out of bed and ran up onto the deck to see what was going on.  My dad was saying, "All hands on deck! We're leaving!" that announcement was greeted with much enthusiasm and jumping around by my sisters although I was too tired to do much of that.

A few minutes later the engines were on, lifejackets were on and the boat was moving!  I stood by the starboard side and used one of the starboard fenders to fend us off of the pilings.  Next my job was to stand on the trampoline and untie the bow lines, coiling them up as I went.

The sea was rough. I watched a wave come up over our bow. I was already drenched from head to tow from a big wave that had loomed over my mom and I before coming down with a gigantic splash!  My harness and tether strain as I walked to the other side of the cockpit.  I heard a big crash from inside the salon!  I winced as another plate flew across the room and smashed on the floor under the table.  Uh-Oh! That wasn't a plate that had broken, that was the antique shell the scientist the next boat over had given us!

Ugh! Our boat was a mess! Well at least we got here I told myself, and here wasn't very impressive, although I guess just seeing solid land before me was a relief after endless sea and waves for 5 hours.  That night we went out to dinner and all of us still felt the boat rocking underneath us although the dock was perfectly stable.  After that sooo fun experience we ended up in Oyster Pond st. Martin, just another harbor for me to see.

Oyster Pond


Carrie said...

Wow, Stella! Loved this post. Your dramatic description put so many pictures in my head. :) Glad you finally got to move on!

Stella Bennett said...

Yeah it was kind of a relief to get out of Simpson Bay.